Infinite Lagrange - Official Worldwide Website
Build an Army: Discover endless possibilities of fleet makeup■ Fleet battles:On an unprecedented scale.■ Forge Alliance: Together We Conquer the Galaxy ■Players Combat: The best stage for the ambitious.■ Customize Ships: Access full modification capacity.■ Intersteller Travel: The Secrets Hunt to the Ruins■ Interact with factions:Fleets Trading,Combat or Collabration■ Unveil Lore: Reveal histories between factions.■ Mining Resources: To the very edges of the universe■ Develop the science power from numerous routes.■ Upgrade the base: construct your own airspace

Aviso de Cancelamento de Manutenção


Caros Exploradores,

Devido a ajustes de cronograma, a manutenção programada de Infinite Lagrange de 4 de outubro de 2023 será cancelada. As manutenções semanais serão retomadas em 11 de outubro de 2023. Agradecemos pelo apoio e carinho de todos.